In Sedona the Metaphysical community had been pretty well established since the 80’s when the vortexes (or vortices) were defined. Most visitors know they can have their aura read, fortune told and/or past lives revealed, all before lunch, but in the last few years these beliefs have merged with those of the UFO enthusiasts and Bigfoot hunters to create some truly unique tours.
Modern Sedona is one America’s—and possibly the world’s—hottest locations for spotting U.F.O.s. Nightly tours go out with eager clients all equipped with night vision glasses, binoculars and telescopes. The amount of activity recorded would make you think the surrounding desert was some kind of intergalactic airport and has many of the locals scratching their heads. And they’re not just seeing flying saucers! Orbs, portals, actual aliens and Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) all appear to thrive in Sedona’s high desert.
The mysterious Bradshaw ranch is another place that draws in tourist. Located deep within the national forest, the rumor is that it was confiscated by the U.S. Government because it housed one of the most powerful inter-dimensional portals on the planet. Countless books and websites describe encounters there with the Arizona Bigfoot and other extraordinary Beings. Visitors are not allowed in the National Forest at night, but several tour operators will take you there and stay until dusk. According to eye witness accounts it’s the last hour of twilight when many of these phenomena take place. A Day in the West offers an Alien, Orbs and Bigfoot tour that explores the lore. The company is run by John Bradshaw, son of photographer Bob Bradshaw who sold the ranch to the Forest Service, so he should know a thing or two about it.
Daytime activities include tours of the famous vortexes (vortices). Many can be visited on your own: Bell Rock is located of highway 179 just outside of the Village of Oak Creek; the airport Vortex is accessed by a small pullout on the left about halfway up Airport Mesa (it’s a great place to watch the sun rise or set); Cathedral Rock is accessed by a trailhead of Back-o-beyond Road; and the Boynton Vortex is out in the Western Canyons by the Enchantment Resort. One of the nice things about visiting them on a tour is you get their history, and some basic explanations of how the metaphysical community views them. Of course the Native Americans found this area special as well—but there’s a tour for that too.
To get some far out local stories, just go to any Sedona coffee shop. They are filled with people who will tell you where the aliens land every night, or the path the Bigfoot take when passing through town. These “higher consciousness” conversations just might steer you down a road you wouldn’t have thought you’d take. When I first came to Sedona I fell in love with the open-minded take the inhabitants had—after a few years it drove me crazy—but in the end I decided it was better to be surrounded by flexible and tolerant people. Who knows? Is the truth really out there? Come to Sedona and find out for yourself.
Family-Friendly | Wedding Venue | Village of Oak Creek
A Gypsy Tarot reading with Sangita is a unique and uplifting experience!
Since ages, psychic readers have used tarot cards as a tool to explore life situation, looking at the past, present and future. Sangita is a intuitive tarot reader who uses regular playing cards in this age- … More
A Gypsy Tarot reading with Sangita is a unique and uplifting experience!
Since ages, psychic readers have used tarot cards as a tool to explore life situation, looking at the past, present and future. Sangita is a intuitive tarot reader who uses regular playing cards in this age-old technique. She has a caring, light way of helping you find new perspectives, receive answers to your questions and helps you recognize your own beauty.
Psychic Readings | Vortex Experience | Emotional & Spiritual Healing
Life-Changing Retreats for individuals, Relationship-Saving Retreats for couples. Call us and we will custom design the perfect retreat for your needs and desires all private sessions (1-on-1 or 2-on-1 for couples), utilizing over 50 of Sedona's Master Practitioners (with over 100 modal … More
Life-Changing Retreats for individuals, Relationship-Saving Retreats for couples. Call us and we will custom design the perfect retreat for your needs and desires all private sessions (1-on-1 or 2-on-1 for couples), utilizing over 50 of Sedona's Master Practitioners (with over 100 modalities).
Featured in USA Today, Washington Post, Elle, Brides, Forbes, Voted "Best of Sedona" for Retreats (2020, 2021, 2022) and Best Marriage Retreats in US for 2017-2023.
Click the Web Site button to get a free Retreat Guide, see rave reviews and schedule a consultation.
Professionally Guided | Emotional & Spiritual Healing | Spiritual Healing at a Sedona Vortex | Couples | Private Services
Since ages, psychic readers have used tarot cards as a tool to explore life situation, looking at the past, present and future. Sangita is a intuitive tarot reader who uses regular playing cards in this age-old technique. She has a caring, light way of helping you find new perspectives, … More
Since ages, psychic readers have used tarot cards as a tool to explore life situation, looking at the past, present and future. Sangita is a intuitive tarot reader who uses regular playing cards in this age-old technique. She has a caring, light way of helping you find new perspectives, receive answers to your questions and helps you recognize your own beauty.
A Gypsy Tarot reading with Sangita is a unique and uplifting experience!
Psychic Readings | Spiritual Readings | Spiritual Coaching | Vortex Experience | Emotional & Spiritual Healing
Vortex Experience | Professionally Guided | Private Tours Available | Custom Options Available | Guided Meditation | Sacred Ceremonies | Beginner Friendly
VOTED Best of the Best 2024
Reader’s Choice Awards by Verde Valley
Independent Reader’s Best Vortex Tour!
Authentic Experience with Reiki Master Healer & Local Guide.
Learn how to use Vortex and Reiki Energy: Energy to Heal, Ground and Reconnec
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VOTED Best of the Best 2024
Reader’s Choice Awards by Verde Valley
Independent Reader’s Best Vortex Tour!
Authentic Experience with Reiki Master Healer & Local Guide.
Learn how to use Vortex and Reiki Energy: Energy to Heal, Ground and Reconnect to Yourself .
Sacred Medicine Wheel Ceremony, Personalized Spiritual Healing Experience.
Guided Meditation | Emotional & Spiritual Healing | Reiki Energy Healing & Balancing | Karmic Clearing | Private Tours Available | Hiking | Spiritual Healing at a Sedona Vortex | Vortex Experience | Chakra Clearing & Balancing | Meet Your Spirit Animal | Sacred Ceremonies | Spiritual Healing at a Sedona Vortex | Intuitive Healing
Private Vortex Tour! Each tour is customized and personalized for your spiritual well-being. Our vortex tours are deeply transformational healing experiences.
We draw upon our deep connection to Sedona's healing Vortex energies to help you achieve a state of grounded inner peace … More
Private Vortex Tour! Each tour is customized and personalized for your spiritual well-being. Our vortex tours are deeply transformational healing experiences.
We draw upon our deep connection to Sedona's healing Vortex energies to help you achieve a state of grounded inner peace. You will let go of mental and emotional blockages that prevent you from being fully alive and happy!
Each Vortex Tour is a deeply transformational, healing experience, guided by one of Sedona's first Vortex tour guides.
Our Shamanic Medicine Wheel ceremony takes you further into your personal spiritual guidance about your life path.
Private Tours Available | Spiritual Healing at a Sedona Vortex | Shamanic Healing | Professionally Guided | Guided Meditation
Professionally Guided | Vortex Experience | Spiritual Healing at a Sedona Vortex | Private Services
When you're ready to transform your life with Sedona's vortex energy while experiencing the best vacation of your life, you're ready for a Sedona Vortex Retreat. Sedona's vortex energy has been used for centuries by experienced shamans and other intuitive people for personal and planeta … More
When you're ready to transform your life with Sedona's vortex energy while experiencing the best vacation of your life, you're ready for a Sedona Vortex Retreat. Sedona's vortex energy has been used for centuries by experienced shamans and other intuitive people for personal and planetary healing, refreshment and rejuvenation, spiritual ceremony and life acceleration, inspiration, enlightenment and getting answers to life's most pressing questions. Whatever your reason for retreat, our highly experienced, heart-centered guides will lead you through the vortex mystery to experience for yourself the life-changing transformation this energy is designed to provide to all who truly seek it.
This was absolutely one of the best experiences of my Life. The knowledge, clarity and deeper understanding of myself were truly priceless. This is not entertainment, this is the REAL DEAL and in my opinion no one could have assisted me with my journey better than the Sedona Vortex Retreats Team.
--Sonya Friday
We customize our retreats just for you or your small group and orient your retreat to your specific interests (couples retreats, yoga, healing, girlfriend's getaway and more).
Visit our website through the links below and get a copy of our free 26-page special report on the secrets of using vortex energy for powerful spiritual transformation.
Vortex Experience | Professionally Guided | Custom Options Available